TITLE: pkgnet - network packaging utilities
INFORMATION TYPE: Symptom Solution
UnixWare 1.1
Note: This supplement is NOT SUPPORTED. It is provided "AS-IS" to
knowledgeable users as a courtesy.
This file contains pkgnet - network packaging utilities for UnixWare 1.1.
This package contains separate UNIX packages for pkgclient and pkgserver.
This package is for UnixWare 1.1 only with any updates. The pkgclient
and pkgserver files are in datastream format and can be added to your
system using: pkgadd -d `pwd`/pkg{client/server}. Read release
notes carefully before applying these packages.
Network packaging utilities needed for UnixWare 1.1
Apply the pkgnet.tar file.
Installation Instructions:
1. Download the pkgnet.tar and pkgnet.txt files to the /tmp
directory on your machine.
2. Expand the pkgnet.tar file into the /tmp directory using the following
commands from a terminal window or the UNIX command line:
$ cd /tmp
$ tar xvf {path_to_file}/pkgnet.tar
3. Read the release notes contained in the pkgclient.txt and pkgserver.txt
files and follow the instuctions to add the packages to your system.
Solution Specifics
PKGSERVER release notes
1. General Description
These release notes acquaint you with the contents of UnixWare
pkgserver - net_install server utility for UnixWare1.1. This package
has pkgtrans, 0x3e2(saptype), installd.conf.samp(sample) and
pkgtrans.1 in pkgadd fromat.
2. Software Notes and Recommendations
PKGADDNET - A utility to add packages over an SPX network from a
UnixWare v1.1 Install Server.
A NetWare server is required on the network for an Install Server
to function.
This software will function on UnixWare 1.1 systems with any
It will not work on UnixWare 1.0 or UnixWare 2.0 systems.
This software was designed for Novell Internal use only. It has
since been released as a non-supported piece of software.
- Used by install servers to show
available packages. This file is a
0x3e2 - Used by sapd to advertise as an
install server.
pkgtrans - Used to create packages in stream
pkgtrans.1 - Man page for pkgtrans.
Copying Packages into /net_install
Files in /net_install are packages in stream format.
The pkgtrans command is used to create these files.
Most ptfs distributed now, including update111 and
update112, are in streams format.
Following, are examples of how to create these
stream files for use in /net_install.
Example 1:
The UnixWare 1.1 cd contains a file called
'unixware', which is the stream image for
the Application server and Personal Edition.
You can simply mount the cd and copy this
file into /net_install and point to this
file for both the AS and the PE.
Example 2:
If the updates and ptfs come in a stream
file that pkgadd can load directly, ie. you
can do pkgadd -d /path/streamfile, then
this can be copied directly into
Example 3:
You can use pkgtrans to transfer any package
from tape, cdrom, or diskette to a stream
The syntax for doing this is:
pkgtrans -s
ie. pkgtrans -s cdrom1 /net_install/eth eth
Note: When specifying the filename,
'/net_install/eth' in this case, you must
specify the full path, or pkgtrans will
return an error that it can't open the
output file.
Example 4:
If you have a package SET that spans
multiple diskettes (like nfsset), or if one
package spans multiple diskettes, you need
to use pkgadd to spool the package to a
directory, then use pkgtrans to make a
stream file from that spooled package.
First, create an empty tmp directory,
ie. /pkgtmp, then do:
pkgadd -s /pkgtmp -d diskette1
This puts the package in file system format
into the directory: /pkgtmp/
If you are working with a SET, you must do
the above pkgadd command for each set
To transfer the package or package set to
stream format:
pkgtrans -s /pkgtmp /net_install/mypkg pkgname
If you are working with a SET, the above
pkgtrans command will differ in the
pkgnames you specify.
You must first find the names of all the
components of the set. To do this, change
directory to the spool directory you
specified above, then cd into the set
directory, ie. nfsset. Cat the file setinfo
and make a note of all the package names
in the set.
These are the package names you will specify
in the pkgtrans statement above, starting
with the set name.
ie. pkgtrans -s /pkgtmp /net_install/nfsset nfsset dfs rpc nfs
Updating /etc/installd.conf
The file /etc/installd.conf.samp is a sample of what
the /etc/installd.conf file should look like. Copy
the .samp file to /etc/installd.conf and modify it
as necessary.
pkgaddnet is part of client.
pkgaddnet - Will show a usage statement
pkgaddnet server - Will list all available packages
on server
pkgaddnet server pkg - Will install pkg
If many users used the syntax: "pkgaddnet server" to list
available packages on the server, it will establish an SPX
connection with the install server that will not be
cleared until the system is shutdown. If all SPX
connections are in use, pkgaddnet will appear to hang when
To see all SPX connections, do:
ps -ef |grep installd
This will show ALL SPX connections active, so you don't want
to kill all installd processes or you may kill someone's
install in progress. You can however, kill any installd
processes that have 0:00 time and are more than 5 minutes
Once you have cleared sufficient connections, any pkgaddnet
process that appears to be hung, will then proceed normally.
3. Hardware Notes and Recommendations
No specific Hardware.
4. Installation Instructions
pkgadd -d diskette1 if the package is in filesystem format on diskette
pkgadd -d if the package is in stream format.
PKGCLIENT - release notes
1. General Description
These release notes acquaint you with the contents of UnixWare
pkgclient - pkgaddnet utility for UnixWare1.1. This package has
pkgaddnet, sapcvt and net_load utilities in pkgadd fromat.
2. Software Notes and Recommendations
PKGADDNET - A utility to add packages over an SPX network from a
UnixWare v1.1 Install Server.
A NetWare server is required on the network for an Install Server
to function.
This software will function on UnixWare 1.1 systems with any
It will not work on UnixWare 1.0 or UnixWare 2.0 systems.
This software was designed for Novell Internal use only. It has
since been released as a non-supported piece of software.
pkgaddnet - Will show a usage statement
pkgaddnet server - Will list all available packages
on server
pkgaddnet server pkg - Will install pkg
If many users used the syntax: "pkgaddnet server" to list
available packages on the server, it will establish an SPX
connection with the install server that will not be
cleared until the system is shutdown. If all SPX
connections are in use, pkgaddnet will appear to hang when
To see all SPX connections, do:
ps -ef |grep installd on install server
This will show ALL SPX connections active, so you don't want
to kill all installd processes or you may kill someone's
install in progress. You can however, kill any installd
processes that have 0:00 time and are more than 5 minutes
Once you have cleared sufficient connections, any pkgaddnet
process that appears to be hung, will then proceed normally.
3. Hardware Notes and Recommendations
No specific Hardware.
4. Installation Instructions
pkgadd -d diskette1 if the package is in filesystem format on diskette
pkgadd -d if the package is in stream format.