Dear SCO Customer, Support Level Supplement (SLS) PTF4014A, the SCO Licensing and Supplement for UnixWare 2.1.2 and 2.1.3, corrects a problem with upgraded systems that don't have the correct licensing script in the /usr/lib/ file. If you have an invalid keypair in /etc/config/licensekeys on boot, /etc/rc2.d/S03fpk will try to run /usr/lib/ will fail and dump core. This occurs in a loop and the system will appear to hang. SLS PTF4014A contains an updated version of the file. Contents -------- /usr/lib/keyadm /usr/lib/ Software Notes and Recommendations ---------------------------------- PTF4014A should only be installed on systems that have been upgraded to SCO UnixWare Release 2.1.2 or 2.1.3. Installation Instructions ------------------------- 1. Download the ptf4014a.Z file to the /tmp directory on your machine. 2. As root, uncompress the file and add the package to your system using these commands: $ su # uncompress /tmp/ptf4014a.Z # pkgadd -d /tmp/ptf4014a 3. There is no need to reboot the system after installing this package. The release notes displayed prior to installation can be found in /var/sadm/pkg/ptf4014/install/ptf4014.txt Removal Instructions -------------------- Note: Because PTF4014A installs a corrected file, under normal circumstances, there should be no reason to remove it. However, if it is necessary for you to do so, follow these steps: 1. As root, remove the package using these commands: # pkgrm ptf4014 2. There is no need to reboot the system after removing this package. If you have questions regarding this SLS, or the product on which it is installed, please contact your software supplier. We appreciate your business. SCO Support Services