Getting Started

    JavaTM 2, Standard Edition, v. 1.4.2_14c
    for SCO® UNIX® Operating Systems

This release of Java 2 Standard Edition contains:

J2SE 1.4.2 for SCO UNIX is a full implementation of the Sun MicrosystemsTM Java 2 Platform - the technology and environment described in the SunTM specifications of the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition, v. 1.4.2. (The _14c suffix on the version number indicates the patch level of the Sun J2SE that J2SE 1.4.2 for SCO UNIX corresponds to.)

Changes in This Release

J2SE 1.4.2_14c

J2SE 1.4.2_14c for SCO UNIX is a re-release of the J2SE 1.4.2_14 for SCO UNIX containing a fix for numeric keypad data entry with the keyboard Num Lock active.

J2SE 1.4.2_14c supercedes all previous releases of J2SE 1.4.2.

J2SE 1.4.2_14b

J2SE 1.4.2_14b for SCO UNIX is a re-release of the J2SE 1.4.2_14 for SCO UNIX containing an urgent DST time zone fix from Sun.

J2SE 1.4.2_14b supercedes the J2SE 1.4.2_14 release previously made available on the SCO Support web site.

J2SE 1.4.2_14
J2SE 1.4.2_14 for SCO UNIX is the latest and cumulative update to J2SE 1.4.2 and contains the latest fixes from Sun and the following SCO specific fix:

J2SE 1.4.2_14 supercedes the J2SE 1.4.2_13 release previously made available on the SCO Support web site.

J2SE 1.4.2_13

J2SE 1.4.2_13 for SCO UNIX, previously available from the SCO Support download site, contained the then latest fixes from Sun including DST timezone changes and security issue resolutions for the following announced issue as well as some yet to be announced issues. In addition, the CA Root Certificates file (cacerts) is now populated with the root certificates that we have recieved permission to distribute; see section "Distributed CA Certificates" for details
J2SE 1.4.2_13 superceded the J2SE 1.4.2_12 release previously made available on the SCO Support web site.

Sun Alert ID        Description
102686 The JRE and Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) may verify incorrect RSA PKCS #1 v1.5 signatures if the RSA public key exponent is 3. This may allow applets or applications that are signed by forged signing certificates and websites with forged web server certificates to be verified as valid.

For more information see:

See the "Changes in This Release" section of the Release Notes for details on the contents of earlier updates to J2SE 1.4.2

System Requirements and Supported Platforms

Supported SCO UNIX platforms:

J2SE 1.4.2 for SCO UNIX is not supported on older versions of the supported operating systems, such as SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.6 or UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.1, nor is it available for older operating systems, such as the SCO UnixWare 2 operating system.

J2SE 1.4.2 for SCO UNIX cannot be used with the older OSRcompat packages that were released together with older versions of UnixWare 7 and OpenServer.

For the most part the J2SE 1.4.2 is identical for all supported platforms, and everything in these release notes applies to all supported platforms unless otherwise noted.

[*] Package urwfonts is available as part of the UnixWare 7.1.3 and 7.1.4 and OpenServer 5.0.7 media kits and is automatically installed as part of Initial System Load if Java is installed. It is also available in the UnixWare 7.1.3 Update Pack 4 media or in the UnixWare and OpenServer Development Kit 7.1.3 or 7.1.4 and is downloadable from this web page.

[**] The required runtime on OpenServer 5.0.7 are the libraries contained in the package set OSRcompat version 8.0.2 provided in the SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 Maintenance Pack 3 as the "UDK Compatibility Libraries".

Package Name
Required Software
Approx. Size
     3 MB (URW)++ Free X11 Fonts

  52 MB Runtime Support:
java, the Java virtual machine interpreter (JVM); the "client" and "server" dynamic compilers; Java Foundation Classes (JFC) & Swing Package; and basic API libraries: language support, I/O, AWT, networking, utilities, images, media, math, compression, and security.

Distributed applications and database access:
Remote Method Invocation (RMI); JavaBeansTM (component object model); JDBCTM (database access); Internationalization tools; Security tools; Java IDL tools.

 j2jre142   24 MB Development Tools:
appletviewer, the Java Applet Viewer; javac, the Java Compiler; jdb, the command-line Java debugger; javah, the C Header and Stub File Generator for native methods; javap, the Java Class File Disassembler; javadoc, the JAVA API Documentation Generator; jar, the Java Archive (JAR) tool; and assorted other commands used in Java development; class libraries used in Java development; header files used in native code development. Also Java demo applets and applications; demos of Swing functionality; Java Plug-in demos; native method demos.
 j2jre142   2.3 MB Java 2 Plug-in for Mozilla browser, 1.2.1 through 1.7.x on UnixWare 7.1.4, OpenServer 5.0.7 and OpenServer 6.0.0.

Note: Where one J2SE 1.4.2 package requires another J2SE 1.4.2 package, the version numbers of the packages must be the same. The Java 2 SDK package, version requires the Java 2 Runtime, version

Download and Installation

The J2SE 1.4.2 product is distributed as two separate installable Java packages plus a urwfonts package, if needed.

Installation with the UnixWare package tools on UnixWare, Open UNIX or OpenServer

  1. Print or save a copy of this "Getting Started" page for later reference.

  2. Download a copy of the current J2SE 1.4.2_14c Release Notes (ReleaseNotes.html)and save, also for later reference.

  3. Select and download the packages you wish to install. Note that the packages are available in two formats:

  4. For OpenServer 6.0.0: custom format package
    File Custom Package Custom Version UW Package UW Pkg. Version
      OSR6_Java2_142.VOLS.tar j2se142 1.4.2Nc   j2jre142
      urwfonts   2.0Bg
      javaxcomm   2.0
      javasoap   1.2
  5. Download an install any prerequisite packages, runtime, maintenance packs, maintenance supplements, support level supplements as required in the System Requirements and Supported Platforms of this document.

  6. As root, installed the J2SE packages that you have downloaded.

    Change directory into the directory containing the downloaded package datastreams

    cd  <download-dir>

    On UnixWare 7.1.4:

    Install the J2SE 1.4.2 packages in the following order.
    If the package datastreams have been downloaded in compressed format:
    zcat   urwfonts.ds.Z   |   pkgadd -d -
    zcat   j2jre142.ds.Z   |   pkgadd -d -

    pkgadd   -d  `pwd`/j2sdk142.ds
    pkgadd   -d  `pwd`/j2plg142.ds
    If the package datastreams have been uncompressed when downloaded with your browser:
    pkgadd   -d  `pwd`/urwfonts.ds
    pkgadd   -d  `pwd`/j2jre142.ds
    pkgadd   -d  `pwd`/j2sdk142.ds
    pkgadd   -d  `pwd`/j2plg142.ds

    On OpenServer 5.0.7, having downloaded the custom format files:

    Make a subdirectory for each custom tar file that you downloaded.
    mkdir JRE SDK PLUGIN
    Unwind each tar file into the corresponding subdirectory.
    cd JRE; tar -xf ../OSR5_Java2_JRE_142.VOLS.tar
    cd ../SDK; tar -xf ../OSR5_Java2_SDK_142.VOLS.tar
    cd ../PLUGIN; tar -xf ../OSR5_Java2_PLUGIN_142.VOLS.tar
    To avoid possible compilications or problems installing a new release of J2SE 1.4.2 on your OpenServer 5.0.7 system, any previously installed J2SE 1.4.2 releases should be removed prior to installing this release. Because of packaging dependencies, the components should be removed in the following order:

    • Java 2 1.4.2 Plug-in
    • Java 2 1.4.2 Software Development Kit
    • Java 2 1.4.2 Runtime Environment

    Software should be installed in the following order:

    • Java 2 1.4.2 Runtime Environment
    • Java 2 1.4.2 Software Development Kit
    • Java 2 1.4.2 Plug-in

    Run the Software Manager with the command:
    scoadmin software
    or double-click on the Software Manager icon in the desktop.

    1. Remove any previously installed Java 2 1.4.2 components, one at a time, in the removal order indicated above.
      1. Select the single Java 2 1.4.2 component to be removed.
      2. Pull down the "Software" menu and select "Remove Software"
      3. Click the "Remove" button.
    2. Repeat step 1 for each remaining Java 2 1.4.2 component to be removed.

    3. Install each of the new Java 2 1.4.2 components, one at a time , in the installation order indicted above.
      1. Pull down the "Software" menu and select "Install New".
      2. When prompted for the host from which to install, choose the local machine and then "Continue".
      3. In the "Select Media" menu, pull down the "Media Device" menu. Select "Media Images", then choose "Continue".
      4. When prompted for the "Image Directory", enter the directory where you unwound the tar file of the package to be installed and choose "OK".
      5. When prompted to select the software to install, the single software package in the directory will by highlighted. Choose "Install".
    4. Repeat step 3 for each remaining software download file to be installed.

    On OpenServer 6.0.0, having downloaded the single custom format file:

    Make a subdirectory and unwind the tar file into that subdirectory.
    mkdir JAVA142
    cd JAVA142; tar -xf ../OSR6_Java2_142.VOLS.tar
    Run the Software Manager with the command:
    scoadmin software
    or double-click on the Software Manager icon in the desktop.

    1. Pull down the "Software" menu and select "Install New".
    2. When prompted for the host from which to install, choose the local machine and then "Continue".
    3. In the "Select Media" menu, pull down the "Media Device" menu. Select "Media Images", then choose "Continue".
    4. When prompted for the "Image Directory", enter the directory where you unwound the tar file of the package to be installed and choose "OK".
    5. When prompted to select the software to install, the single software package in the directory will by highlighted. You can deselect any of the optional packages that you do not wish to install at this time. Click on "Install".

Important Notes


Essential information about this product is contained in the Java 2 Standard Edition,v. 1.4.2_14c, for SCO UNIX Operating Systems Release Notes which are distributed with the j2jre142 package and installed in /usr/java2. A copy of the Release Notes is available on this download page.

Be sure to read these notes thoroughly before attempting to use the J2SE 1.4.2. We recommend that you print out or bookmark these notes for later reference.


The J2SE 1.4.2 for SCO UNIX is licensed under the same terms as the host SCO operating system upon which it is installed.

Document version 405-000-044-n
01 May 2007
Copyright © 2004-2007 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.