What is modjk-1.2.25-03.pkg, "The Apache Tomcat Connector - mod_jk" for UnixWare 7.1.4? KEYWORDS: uw uw7 714 uw714 7.1.4 update unixware package pkg modjk mod_jk tomcat apache Java servlets web services JSP hipcheck mobile mobility server fz534726 RELEASE: UnixWare Release 7.1.4 PROBLEM: What is modjk-1.2.25-03.pkg, "The Apache Tomcat Connector - mod_jk" for UnixWare 7.1.4? SOLUTION: The modjk package updates the "Apache Tomcat Connector", replacing the depreciated "modjk1" package on your UnixWare 7.1.4 system. This update will install the same version of modjk availabe for the OpenServer 6 platform (version 1.2.25). The package is available to download from: ftp://ftp.sco.com/pub/unixware7/714/other/modjk_1_2_25_03 NOTE: modjk-1.2.25-03 fixes the following packaging issue that existed in modjk-1.2.25-02: Installation and removal of modjk-1.2.25-02 reports an error in email to the root user even though the install/removal succeeded. Installation ============ This modjk package can only be installed on UnixWare 7.1.4 systems with Maintenance Pack 3 and Java(TM) 2, Standard Edition 1.4 or later installed. The modjk-1.2.25-03.pkg file is a pkgadd datastream of the "Apache Tomcat Connector" distribution suitable for installation with the UnixWare 7 pkgadd facility. There are no other packages that are required in order to install modjk-1.2.25-03.pkg. Any previously installed modjk1 package must first be removed prior to installation of modjk. To install the modjk-1.2.25-03.pkg package: 1. Log in to your system as root. 2. Change directory to a temporary work directory. 3. Download modjk-1.2.25-03.pkg from: ftp://ftp.sco.com/pub/unixware7/714/other/modjk_1_2_25_03/modjk-1.2.25-03.pkg 4. Remove, if necessary, any previously installed modjk1 package: pkgrm modjk1 5. Install via this command: pkgadd -d `pwd`/modjk-1.2.25-03.pkg Package Removal =============== To remove this modjk package: 1. To remove the modjk package: pkgrm modjk 2. If the removal fails due to package dependencies (e.g. the HcSCOUA or MePrxySCO packages are installed), removal can still be accomplished either by first removing these packages or by removing modjk as follows: pkgrm -a none modjk